Viable Utterance records is a DIY label that only releases music created by Dennis and projects that he is involved with. Begun in 1988 or 89 so that his band at the time, Society Gone Madd! could release their records to the masses, now it is only the name used to release his current punk music as This Side of Anarchy and his other various styles of music as Today's Nightmare (formerly gramps.doc). Enjoy my music.

This Side of Anarchy

Punk Is Not a Fashion Statement, Released 12.17,24

EP "Skating Among the Saguaros" released 12.19.23

EP "Wolves in the Graveyard" released 10.11.22

Full length album "No Heroes" released 12.14.21

EP "Question Everything" released 03.23.21

EP "Insatany" released 05.29.20

Full Length album "Tyranny of the Few" released 10.18.19

EP "Devils May Pass" released 12.14.18

EP "I Have a Plan" released 07.13.17

Full length album "1917" released 12.13.13

Today's Nightmare
(formerly called gramps.doc)

Released 05.10.2010
Released 10.01.16

Society Gone Madd!

Released Jan. 30, 1997

Released July 7, 1996

Released Jan 29, 1995

Released Jan 29, 1992

Released Oct 29, 1989

Released sometime in 1988